High School Musical final farewell . . [Edited] { Saturday, October 25, 2008 * }

Yay HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3: SENIOR YEAR and I've already seen it yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks dear 5A peeps for spending time to watch the movie together. Go wildcats!
******EDITED PART******
I've been to other blogs and most of them talked about how their Prelim and O's (so far only 2 paper done). I didn't even talked about mine neither my results for Prelims. Its not that i don't bother too but i usually get distracted by smething else. Today I decided to off my hp the whole day and restrict myself from TV. PC?? Im blogging right now rite? Anyway if there are calls or msgs received, sorry didn't reply. Actually im not sure why am I doing this? For the sake of not being disturbed while studying and not procastinating? Huhh what lame reason and of course im not doing it because of that. Im still not spending my afternoon wisely.
For all the O papers i've been sitting for, it worries me. For instance, english. What if i went out of point for my compo or did not answered the questions correctly? Im getting paranoid. To add to my worried state, im thinking of the possibility of me being able to get into the course I wanted. It seems so easy to say and *daydream about where you are next year and how life's gonna be but being able to even get there, its tough. Rumors said that Prelims is a reflection on how you gonna do for your O. Fine I get 24 points for my
L1R5 and thats still not good eventhough i tell myself constantly that atleast I had improved and also words of encouragements from my a friend of mine and my relatives that its gonna be better for O. I've been doing some self-reflecting lately and finally the word of regret came out of my mouth.
Ultimately, im already halfway through O and there's no running away from it. I have to pull through this journey cause this is just the beginning. This year is coming to an end so fast that I can still remember the first day of school and the joy & happiness and etc that I faced through. Im graduating finally from secondary school. This is the time to just hang in there cause freedom is near. Next week 3 more papers followed by the following week and another 3-4 more papers and voila thats' it! 11 Nov is coming soon. No more purple skirt uniforms, $2 worth of badges if you forgotten to pin it on ur uni etc. Im yacking yack yack non stop. Better continue with my physics.
Btw im still annoyed by the f**ckin page error!
Labels: Annoyed. Toolbox missing. F**kin page error.