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Thank you very much Nasriah A! Fasting month people. { Sunday, August 31, 2008 * }

Today was another totally tiring day . Pheww im finally home at last and yes resting . . I didn't get a chance to rest for 2 days straight . It felt lyke my house or my room was a hotel where I just drop by to sleep . Hee =)

Oouh yaa the heading of my post. Thanks a lot babe of asking me to join you . Escape Theme Park was awesome and its lyke another new experience since its been ages since I last went there which was with my family haha . . Thanks babe! So off to set across Singapore at ard 0900 and reach there an hour plus later thus ready to go!

The most enjoyable ride of all! I love hanging on air haha .

Bad picture taken. Anyway the Family Coaster was our second ride. A word to describe: Fast. Maybe that is how the Maglev train works?

Too good to be true. I took the chance to rest my eyes for a while as this ride was so slow and hey its not high enough. Take note of that. What's the name of this ride huh? I can't recall. S.T.M

After which we went to the Haunted house. Trust me I was not scared at all in fact I didn't saw much. All I heard was girls and guys shouting 'arghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' here and there. Im talking big aren't I? Well because throughout the whole 'journey', all i can see are wooden planks cause my eyes were only focusing on the floors and not left and right haha. The only thing I saw was someone or thing sitting even that was unclear. Brave right?

We took a chill pill and went for a ride on the Ferris Wheel. Ok nothing to talk much about.

Ok this was the most nauseous ride ever and its Nassy's favourite. Is the spelling correct? Back to the ride, indeed if I were to ever ride on the Pirates again, I WILL NOT seat on the back! Becasue of this ride, I vomitted. A LOT. Huh talk about being brave lol. Nevertheless it was a fun ride and I managed to open my eyes to see the view. I still prefer the Inverter but Nas hate it. Ask her for a second rite, mati2 refused. Shoot pic could not be uploaded. Nvrmind.

So that's the last ride and off to White Sand to eat at Canava's. Delish! Made the journey back to the west and reach home round 3 plus. Wow that's early but good cause I got the chance to take my afternoon nap.

Ok for all the Islams, please take note that tomorrow 1st September 08 will be the official date for the fasting month.

Here are the rumours people always mixed the facts.

  1. Wearing contact lenses is OK people.
  2. Crying doesn't mean that our fasting is gone i mean batal. Its not likely that u're gonna taste ur tears rite? If yes, EWWWWWW!!!!!
  3. Taking injections during fasting is OK cause we don't have a chioce don't we?
  4. Smoking is of course considered cheating eventhought its 'makruh'. I don't know how to spell it, spare me.
  5. Hair cutting is OK too.
  6. Swimming is also OK people. Tak batal. Its not likely that u're gonna purposely taste the water rite? If yes, EWWWWWWWW again!!!

Well dats all the facts that i can share. This comes from a reliable source. Nassy's ustazah said so. So kepada umat Islam semuanya, selamat berpuasa yer. Jangan ingat nak raye jer . .And plase larh try to fast larh people. Selamat berpuasa!!!!!!!!!
(Its weird bloggin in malay seriously)



Yayieee!!!! New blogskin. ADD colours and positivity to my life!