Isit saturday already? [Edited] { Saturday, September 13, 2008 * }
hoHie there people! I sounded so lively, fresh when the fact is that im sleepy and my whole body is like aching especially my G.M or also known as butt. I forgot the word for it. Ooouch! Ok today, I meant yesterday, 12 sept 08, make a date with my classmates which ranges from Gena, Joanne, See Yi, Nasriah etc etc to ECP for activities such as cycling and skating which I eventually turned to skating since I have this 'want to learn something new' feeling which started quite rough. Rough means BAD. Ok I mean not that bad but FINE it was bad and I meant me. Hee. Its normal right to fall 11 times when u first learn to skate? Really my butt hurts and I need a butt massage or preferably the whole body. Totally sorry toward See Yi coz I made her fall. Opps my bad!
Still I get to ride the bikey eventhough only for a shoooort while. At least it gave me a sense of tranquility and some breeze of wind. Bah!
Ok I shall stop here, I meant surfing the internet. Since I couldn't sleep, I went to Youtube to which started from Bollywood to Miley Cyrus and in the end the Disney Channel (DC) Games. Cheers to the Inferno team!
My eyes are not sleepy at all and I should be. Ouh did I mention that when we were heading to the Parkway Parade, we kinda lost our way and made long journey before reaching there. Late break-fast but its ok cause i am just thirsty, food later. Bahhh!
I seriously should stop here..
Maybe I upload the photos later..
Gena Nasriah Joanne See Yi You Zhen Me Haaziq Bonfurt Wen Jie
Only update a photo & the rest can be seen on the others blog I think.