Add the curls to my life. Again. { Saturday, September 27, 2008 * }
I want my natural hair back.. Sigh but the decision to add curls to my life was made my me, myself and I. Sigh again. Ouhh watever I'll get over it soon. Ramadhan will end soon and soon Syawal 'menjelma' or Hari Raya coming! Ka-ching ka-ching $$$$$$$$! But besides that, it will also means that Mr O is drawing near which is two weeks from now. Prepared and preparing. Two different words and also two different stages of where the students are now. For me, im still p-r-e-p-a-r-i-n-g. Actually what people said is true that we should start early and not wait till the last minute but sigh.. Anyways i trust myself as well as my dear whimsical classmates that 5 Aces will shine. Well at least we are at an even curve and not what am i talking about?? Slow, steady and relax is how my class is due to the fact that nearly half a class were absent from school yesterday. Relating to this topic, Prelims results were quite bad/ok but on a brighter note, i improved by only 4 points but hey improved mah. Still i do get an E8 and F9 on my list oouh also a D7. Im damn pissed with SS! I mean I worked my brain out to study but still SBQ results still sux. Why is the SBQ question so hard to get marks huh??!!! 2 more marks to a pass for humans and 1 more mark to an A2 for malay. Malay is another one which made me pissed! Breath in, breath out . . This is only Prelims . This is getting lengthy . . Till then Selamat hari raya to all umat Islam out there and for the uncles and aunties out there, please be prepared to for out a lil bit more $$$ as u all know, prices have rise u know..
Labels: P-R-E-P-A-R-I-N-G