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A silly incident that happened to me.. { Sunday, May 11, 2008 * }

I wanna share a story bout me since I've nothing else better to do. I regard the incident as fatuous seriously.. Mind you, all this are in present tense.
Happened on 9 Jan 08.
Here goes the 'post' unedited.
O God LIFE SUX... Im sitting here all alone outside my own flat waitin to be rescued.. Why?
Coz I don;t have my keys with me!!! So idiotic, pathetic of ME to forget my keys!!!
I've been sitting here phathetically since I maybe ard 0330 or 0315 like dat! OMG!! Its been nearly more than an hour!! Aarrgh Im so frustrated and now practically embarrassed. Why?
Cz my neighbour sa me here outside ALONE with a TP magazine looking ard aimlessly continuously looking fer ways on how to spend my time here. It was lucky its was the mother instead of the children. LOL.
My cat? He don't even understand wat I am I trying to say. ( WEll lyke duhh.. He's a cat) Its newarly 5 and im still ouside wautin fer to be rescued by Mum whom going to be home by 5 and fer god sake, I need to rush fer work!!
Now that's another problem, I was so sure today is thursday that I told my boss that I'll be late fer work cz I going to SP but wat do you know, today is wednesday.. What reason am I gonna tell her? That Im stucked outside my own house? She will definitely laughed me off!!
Ouuh Mum whre are u?? Its already 1641. Oouhh how much longer do I have to wait?!?!?!
Btw to add to the story, I did used the umbrellas to fetch my keys and ended up throwing one of the umbrella inside. OOPss. Hahax.
How SILLY of me with a capital S-I-L-L-Y of me!! BUt to think of it, its not silly cz hey Im making an effort to try ok. Gee how I wish I'll be like tha during mathx.
Never afraid to try. Haha.
Ouuh Mum, whre are you?? Its alreday 1647 to be exact.
If anyone questioned me why I didn;t try to amke a phone call, well I tried but then
I realized that the coin inserted was 5 cents instead of 10. Instead of buying something to exchanged the coins, I bought toblerone instead to have something to munch on or else i'll be bored. U can call me stupid or wat, I agreed. Btw, My HP currently is not with me so i can't reached Mum.
Gosh Om slepy.. I feel lyke calling Naing2 ( My boss's name hahax fuuny rite? She's burmese I think.) to tell that im not going fer work today.. Yeah I heard the lift! But then, where is Mum? Thats not her footsteps. It sounds different. Gosh I can make a compo out of this. My since since an hour and countless minutes ago..
So here u go.. The moral of the story is, as u guessed it,
Ok enough of my LONG post. Rite now, thre's another work waitin fer me to clear. House chores!!