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Mugging? Halfway through.. { Thursday, May 8, 2008 * }

Im supposed to be mugging fer tmrw BIO paper but eventually my mind is not focus and yup im currently blogging. Im so drowsy. My eyes are only half open.
I can't seem to understand BIO nowadays. Well actually from the beginning of the year till now, Im still clueless about wats happening. Maybe its beacuse of the change of teacher or its just my attitude. Everything are so convoluted!
Wats is all this mesophyll, palisade thingy?
I can't even remember what transpiration is fer god sake. The topics are those which I've alreday learnt last year fer example transportation, respiration
and such but I can't seem to understand these topics now.
Well I do understand but by N level standard cz currently Im studying using the N level standard so as to familiarize after which I move on to the O level standard.
Yup its kinda streneous but that's the way I study. Long-winded. But now,
I don't understand as its totally back-breaking than I thought. The topics are similar but the topics are added with a few more facts and elaboration which make me rather confused.
So many words. No wonder people says that BIO is difficult eventhough it is not if you do understand wat all these topics are about.
BIO have more words than formulas. So which one is better?
I talked a lot fer someone who is sleepy.
I give up. Nope not giving up on BIO of cz but Im just too sleepy
to continue. My science is totally at the verge of the F word.
Physics is another problem. Both bcuz of me not paying attention in class and
the change of teachers.
But fer now, I shall proceed to dreamland afetr I packed my things of cz.
Oouhh transpiration is the loss of water from the stomata in the leaves of the palnt to the surrounding air.