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Another long post { Saturday, May 10, 2008 * }

Yes! Finally CT2 are over after 3 weeks of muggin and its done. Well its not lyke everyday I do serious muggin right? Well it did paid off not bcuz my results are good but I know dat Im workin hard compared to the previous CT1. Lets just say dat Im more serious now?
Ouuh fer the results, its ok but Im damn pissed with my Humanties. Yes I've improved by 2 grades but i still flunk and it was all my mistake. I should have read and analyse the question properly. Hmmp I chose Singapore over Norway fer god sake. Nevertheless, Im happy eventhough I kept blaming myself bcuz this time, I did studied and passing my Social Studies and receiving ' a good job' phrase from Ms S was good. It really motivates me to move on. English? So far so good. (Actually Isaac gets 15 for his english. I just kept quiet.) Well eventually I received a HUGE shock ystrday upon getting back my Malay paper. I thought I did bad fer my Malay and I almost given up but the unexpected happened and Im grateful fer the marks that I get. But still I 50/50 bout my Paper 1 bcuz I went out of point. Opps! And yup it was my owm mistake of not reading and analysing the question properly. Dumb me!
So far that's all the results I got. I just hopin dat I didn't do my maths badly as I did in CT1. Happiness aside, worrys taken with me. (Wat im I sayin?? Crap.) My science is on jeapordy. Hahax but I'll manage.
About the not talkin issue btwn me & him, I think its gettin more serious than I thought it will be. He's been giving me attitude lately and I am pistoff with dat. I thought that we're gonna be ok but things are getting a lil out of hand here. I know that we both misunderstood each other and both does not wanna give in bcuz as u can see, both are egoistic. When will he realzed that I wanna be his friend back? Ouuh yaa btw he's my freind and nothing more than dat. Please note that sentence.
Well dats it fer now. Today is Saturday and it will end in a few hours. Im stuck at home. nothing better to do than surfing the net, lazing ard watchin TV, playing with cats which practically they ignored me and eating. I've been craving fer HOT & SPICY crackers since afternoon.
Ouuh yaa. Happy Mother's Day! To mum who is always there fer me and please take ur time to understand me. I know Im different from my brothers. Jush wish that Im less temperamental at home. Hahax.
Dats all folks. Yedeeyupyupyeedeee Ok I know dats crap! Adieu.