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Random but opps its preety long. { Tuesday, December 9, 2008 * }

A week at M&S had passed so fast and I didn't even realized it. Hari raya haji was today but I didn't get to be a part of it due to work and that will be two years in the row not having to be with my family celebrating Hari Raya Haji. Of course it was saddening to see families wearing our traditional clothes and all.
Aniways work today was as usual full of laughter. Gosh I am not sure how much laughter had came out of my mouth for the past days and its all thanks to the undeniable Sze Ming Loh. Hahahaaa here and there. Many of them which I so called conducted a survey said that we are very noisy but can't help it lah! Laugh eventhough there's no reason to laugh? Zhiquan on the big screen screaming tooooot! Niwaes I saw the muttons! Not actually muttons cause I only saw Vernand and I was like Mutton! but he can't hear me. Don't blame him cause maybe he get infected by the partially deaf M&S workers who kept saying huh. Didn't get it? Nvrmind.
Muttons without the S but hey atleast I saw one of them what which practically one of the highlites of my day.
Basically my wish of a new environment and new friends are coming true but new life, errmm not yet? We all began communicating more with each other and knowing one another more and hell don forget the gossipping which was not meant to be forgotten.
Ouh yaa Sze Ming, the customer said I am adorable hahaha . Of course she doesn't have the heart to slap me haha. Ouh btw we are officially the toilet directory people. Remember if you people come to Wheelock, the toilet for level B1 and B2 is straight and to the left for the ladies and right for the gents. And the nearest MRT is Orchard, just go to the entrance on the first level and turn to the right, saw the traffic lights, there it is, Orchard MRT. If wanna go through the underpass, go through Shaw towers and there'll be another underpass that will lead you to the MRT. Borders will be two level above from B2 which is basically on the first level. Thats the answers for a few of the popular questions asked.
There's different people going home after work and there'll be crowds in like every part of town and MRT stations. Well I notice for a week now how Singaporeans actually just rush or even push him/herself in between others just to get to the seat which was 4-5 seats away from him/her when he/she kinda notice that a person will be getting up from their seats. Just imagine that. Typical singaporeans but I guess that's what made Singapore a unique country?
Yup thats basically what usually happenned in the MRT.
Ouh how bout Singaporeans who just do not get what we are saying and kept insisting that we
should do this and that for him/her or he/she is right. Well in this case, its usually the her.
And what about part-timers? Just because we are part-timers, that doesn't mean that we are not a part of that particular workplace right. Yes maybe part-timers lack of experiences
cause they are normally young people who just graduated from school and working to get extra pocket money but hey, we are still workers of that particular place what.
Well customers are always right eventhough they are obviously in the wrong place.
Anyways skip that not so good part. Lets talk about food. Im gonna gain weight with the amount fast food I ate there. Hahaha . Nope Im gonna maintain this weight of mine. Bah! I feel like eating the McD mega burger. Wow! Its so tempting but hell of course I know I won't be able to finish it.
