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Insane. But not as insane as this freaking hot weather! { Sunday, May 2, 2010 * }


The weather is freaking hot, humid and warm ! Im burning with sweats !
Uhmmm i sounded kind of lame.
Well it beats then saying 'I feel like using a fire extingusher towards the sun.' =.=
Thats what i shared on facebook lols.

Gees i missed the rain so much.
I want Edward Cullen by my side so i can be slightly chilled and cool but not really wanting to end up frozen.
Its been too hot with jacob around.
Oh gosh what am i blabbering nonsensically about?
Don't mind me, i've just finished watching Twilight and New Moon so that preety much explains this whole Edward Jacob thing.

The cloud seems to get pretty dark but oh well just wish that tiny droplets of rain will come soon.

I mean its really getting very warm. Too many sins in this world.

Im joking. I don't take this world coming to an end seriously but im still scared. =D

Okay. I shall wait till twilight comes and i shall bath.
Pampered myself with Dove shampoo and conditioner with Nature's Bath body wash in Floral.

Hahahahaaahaahahahaaha !