Let me just explain, ITI project is designing an inbound trip while DTG is the opposite, outbound. And both due date falls on the 12th June. See how preety much our 'far behind' is. But we'll pull through.
Ouh speaking about my weekends, let see ..
Met up with Iqa on friday to do a lil window shopping and bought clothing. Found this bag and gonna get it soon, yes asap ! After which we met up with Shyka and her classmates and headed down for sheesha. Not much to talk about it but geez what a small worldwe have here. Lols. It seem like everyone knew each other.
Did our ITI project at Town with Isha and Ju. Lets see, supposed to meet at 3 instead reach there at 4 and apparently we started our project uhm nearly 7? Yupp i suppose. Did our things and luckily we got sidetrack when we're about to go home. Hehe. Oh did I mention that the twins came along with us? Shyka accompanied us doing her own thingy and drawing lame pics on my notebook. Had a preety good chat with Shyka from our breeze walk from Douby Ghout all the way to Orchard only that we stopped at Taka Garden to give our feets a lil rest.
And . . went home late and didn't have a good rest for the next day. =(
Geez! I met Syafiqah Shaharuddin more often than I meet Mohd Khir Bin Said.
The next day, which is today. Gonna be tmrw in about 4mins time. Apparently had to attend this wedding at Skudai, JB of a relative of mine which i have hardly seen or heard of. Seriously. But geez, they are rich ! Envy these Malaysians which has these huge bungalows and a few cars. Fug. Whatever. Bla3.