{ Monday, June 16, 2008 * }
Im restless. School will begin in a week time and not a single homework or revison done. Guess I just spent the holidays in vain. I mean for the past 2 weeks. Term 3.
Btw im not sure what homework there are exactly only I know that there's english to be done and maths. yeah but im not sure where my papers are bcuz after the spring cleaning of my room, I knida put all the things in perfect places so as to be neat and now im not sure where are all the papers. lucky i can still remember where I put all the books.
Term 3.
I want to stop and i will but can I? Thats the problem and the problem lies with me. Seriously afetr looking at it burning and become shorter and shoeter make me think does it really benefits me in certain ways? I am the kind whereby if there are some i'll take but they are none so its ok. Seriously i've been thinking bout it fer the past 15mins or so. It will only make my life worse. Should I quit? The answer is obvious but will I be tempted? I may stay away from it for a while. I guess that help.