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A Day at SENTOSA { Sunday, June 8, 2008 * }

This was so yesterday.
It was raining heavily in the morning and our planned kinda stumbled but then we managed to proceed with our plan despite the heavy unexpected rain. Left home ard 11+..

Met the twinx at the Harbourfront interchange and proceed to SENTOSA officially.

Camwhore: First Round ( The Beach Station)

Camwhore: Second Round ( Siloso Beach, Sapphire Pavilion)

Slack ard for a while and then splashhhhh!!!
Camwhore: Third Round ( Ard Song of the Sea)

Camwhore: Fourth Round

Did the most camwhoring there. ok lets be fair. One pic of each of us.

Camwhore: Fifth Round ( Imbiah )

It was enjoyable eventhough incomplete.

Photos could not be uploaded due to some technical reasons but I'll try again later.

Will be back soon...

Well evethough we did camwhore, I was kinda frustrated and peeved especially and yup its lame but its true. Its not thta i don't allowed them to use my phone but when it comes to my turn to have my picture taken, my pics will appear bluueekkkk! Cmon I know Im not preety but please.. i can still feel the irritating'ness .. It happened a lot of time and yeah Im fcukin pist. NOBODY can understand how I feel eventhough there are my friends because they could not relate to me. like never when it comes to this. I mean seriously. But I blamed myself sometimes or all the time because i jsut fcuking give in to them. even the sensuble among us would not understand me. Yes they friends can be a pain ijn the ass sometimes. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!