It was wet today. { Friday, July 2, 2010 * }
Okay as weird or maybe horny as it sound on my title, im talking about the rain.
Sheesh cut the crap out of your head people.
So as i was saying, yes it was wet today. Totally wet, drenched i should say.
We practically just ran thru the streets while it was pouring without an umbrella.
Mind that please.
No umbrella.
Though of buying one but 7Eleven sell a bloody plain umbrella which u can buy at the market for like what 4 bucks or so for $6.90.
And it was plain i tell ya !
So not worth my money.
So the results, drenched and gosh were we freezing in the cinema.
But it was worth the drenched, the cold and the practically ruined hair. Hee.
Robert Pattinson. Sighhhhhhh. * dreaming . . . . *
Ouh ad of course the other cast as well.
Ouhh Taylor's bod was wootz with a capital W.
It was miles better than new moon.
Yeah the movie was long abt 2hrs or so yet it was not draggy.
Breakng down please come fast !
I should catch up on Breaking Dawn again.
Just that my book is not here with me for i think maybe a year now.
I don't want to be rude but just take the initiative to give it back to me. =D
I've just realized that i now have two Eclispe posters on two different posts.
The real movie posters just cost 10 bucks. Cheap .
But i can't afford it now.
Im totally broke.
Honesty broke.
Its not that im being rude of asking u back my money, its just that i just need that money.
Yes take ur time but don't take advnatage of me just bcos im being too nice.
This post is getting longer. Bye now.
I shall catch up on my sleep.