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Lets get wasted. { Wednesday, October 28, 2009 * }

Currently im feeling errr nothing.
Nothing as in nothing.
No expression, feeling or whatsoever.
Just feel like wasting or lazing myself on bed, watching videos whereby i just hear the voices singing haha.
My laughter also doesn't sounds sincere in a way.
I don't know lah, i just feel sooo nothing.
U came upon a time when the things u did, the timing of the sentence u said, the reactions u show doesn't really come by a right time ? And then it pisses u off.
Well i did that like most of the time or practically said always.
Hahaha . I guess thats all.
At the end of this post, im still having that nothing feeling. Not empty but nothing.
Haha. Bye.

Ouh my bedroom is my favourite plce again.
Catfight with mum.
