Lets get wasted. { Wednesday, October 28, 2009 * }
Currently im feeling errr nothing. Nothing as in nothing. No expression, feeling or whatsoever. Just feel like wasting or lazing myself on bed, watching videos whereby i just hear the voices singing haha. My laughter also doesn't sounds sincere in a way. I don't know lah, i just feel sooo nothing. U came upon a time when the things u did, the timing of the sentence u said, the reactions u show doesn't really come by a right time ? And then it pisses u off. Well i did that like most of the time or practically said always.
Hahaha . I guess thats all.
At the end of this post, im still having that nothing feeling. Not empty but nothing.
Haha. Bye.Ouh my bedroom is my favourite plce again.Meaning?Catfight with mum.Labels: Now too many words.