P A R E N T S { Saturday, August 8, 2009 * }
Parents. Sigh for people like us to see the words parents, most unlikely for us to cheer with joy and jumping abt. Maybe the basic thing you'll hear will be 'sigh..', 'haiyaa..' and all that. Anyways thats not the point.the one thing that is not in my list of favourites for having them will be them being so stereotypical. Is there such a word? Ouh back to the stereotype thingy, the sad thing is, they steotyped me a lot. A lot. And i don't like it at all, cause it makes me mad. Cos their sayings are all not true and geez far far away from who i am. Sometimes I wish they could see how i am outside, when im with my friends especially, how i love to make a nuisance of myself, talking non stop gibberish with my friends, and what really make me happy. Me being me. Uhmmm i think im getting a bit sidetracked here. I was just blogging to rant about how parents loves to streotype all of us only.
Labels: woah so long