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{ Thursday, March 5, 2009 * }

Hello there earthlings hehe . .

Can't find it in english anyways, Slumdog Millionaire is a well deserved winner for the best picture for the Oscars. Hmm to think that they won 8 throphies so yeah hehe. Its a 120mins worth of enduring the freezing surrounding of the cinema brrrrr it was so cold. Besides, its really heartwrenching to see how these kids, these slumdogs people lived. Made me appreciate what I have for a moment there and how these kids survive, feeding themselves until they are adults without their parents and all, alone by themselves, god its really . . sigh. Anyways, it was not all
tears, misery bla3, of course there's funny moments too. Like how little Jamal 'sacrificed' himself in a pool of poop just to get a signature from Amitabh Bachan haha. Lucky I wasn't eating nachos. I'll definitely start envisaging the cheese as .. ewwwww.

Anyways lets talk about these celebrity gossips. Is Dev Patel really dating Freida Pinto?
She's several years older than him so probrably just gossips. Same goes to Paris Hilton. Get ur flirtatious acts off the vampire. Same reason with Freida Pinto only dat Freida is considered more saint than Paris.
Hehehe. . And and and, Rihanna is married to CB? Seriously at P. Diddy's mansion? Wow. No comment about that.
Ok moving on . . .. before I get sued. *Smiles*

Gotten all my stuffs done for school, well as in the uniforms. There's kinda a bit of ambivalent though. Hmm just wandering how first day of school gonna be. I hate first day of school eversince kindergarden, well if I could remember heehee. I guess it will go well somehow but a little of ambivalence is inevitable. That ain't that bad.

My same bytches, err naah babes again.

Hmm this is random but i've calculated and i've known the twins for more than a decade. 14 years to be precise haha eversince kindergarden. Nisa is already reaching 5 years . .
Ouh well may this years continues . .
